Tiger Print Manicure Tutorial...
Monday, September 06, 2010Click the link here to watch in HD on youtube.
Hey this is my 2nd HD nail tutorial for a Tiger Print Manicure and ive done my manicure tips in pink with pink glitter and black tiger stripes. I hope you all like this tutorial and as ive stated at the begining of my video excuse my chapped finger tips as i had been playing guitar a few days before and it kills my finers so bad so i dont really play but i was helping my bf practice for his band practise so i had to play a few chords for him to play along to Kings of Leon and Guns and Roses lol funtimes! :)
Thanks for watching and reading im let me know how you get on with this tutorial if you try it and if so blog about it and send me your link so i can see :) x
Sophie-lou x