
Katies bday !

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It was my bestest friend Katie's birthday on monday and she is just amazing to be as out and about as she is after only a week after giving birth to beautiful perfect baby logan. She lookes great and looked beautiful on her birthday as she was so happy to have her friends and family around her celebrating and to have the best present in life , her son logan!
Craig and I baught her a few lil pressies aswell and i think she liked them a lot as they were her faves! We got her the Katie Price book Sapphire which is one of the many Katie Price Fiction books , the only one left that she hadnt read and she was chuffed as she finnished the last one Paradise in only a week before she gave birth to logan! We also baught Her two 17 nail polishes from boots from the 17 lasting fix range in shades PinkGrape Fruit and Tropical Paradise. Ive run out of PinkGrape fruit now but i have owned it and loved it an i had painted katies with it a few times and knew she loved its brightness and long lasting shiney formula. And my reason for choosing Tropical Paradise was just becasue its a lushhh colour and will look great with a tan x

As i baught two nail polishes i got a free gift which was the 17 bronzing kit which is encludes two
eyeshadows for a shimmery brown smokey eye , one lip gloss and one bronzing powder with brush and eyeshadow applicator. This free gift is great and i knew it was totally up katies street as she loves to have a nice tan and a glow! she loved it x

Above are some photos from katies bday and her presents :) x
Thanks for reading , have you baught any goodies from boots lately? let me know i love finding new little gem finds and new favs :) x


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