
My 1st HD Tutorial...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
To watch in full HD Head over to my youtube channel Here. Here is my 1st YouTube tutorial in HD woo I'm soo chuffed ! i finally got camera working with video editing software which is great as that means i can now upload all my tutorials in hd and edit them with sound instead of caption yay! So This Tutorial is my...



OOTD: Rose Skull Top!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Outfit-Here is my outfit of the day casual :) its my new asda rose skull print tee and i love it its soo cumfy and looks really nice on with my jeans and my linens :) x And ive paired this outfit up with my hot pink earings from primarni to match my top and my black flops from primarni also .Makeup-My make...


amy blair

Coral Animal print nail art...

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Amys Amazing Nail art Hi here is my coral animal print nail art that i did on my nails today :) ive taken my inspiration from Amy Blair over at her blog http://nailartbyamyblair.blogspot.com/ which is absolutely amazing and she has sooo many fantastic nail art designs which i cant wait to take inspiration from and do on myself and my friends nails.Click Here...


asda george

ASDA George- Half price sale!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Today I went down to my local Asda with Craig to do a weeks food shopping and as i walked past the clothes isles to get to the food i realised it was half price on the tops i wanted in the summer !! omg! i was sooo happy coz i really wanted all the tops their and they had my fave ones...



Summer Blue Nails x

Sunday, August 22, 2010
hey girlies, today i used my 17 nail polush fast finish range called Catwalk couture which is such a nice colour blue. I also painted flicks with my silver and white nail art pens and then used a clear rhinestone in the corner of the nail x i love them , they look so pretty x hope you like x Sophie lou x...



A-Level Results are out!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Yay today i received my A-level results and i was sooo chuffed! i only sat two a-levels due to not sitting the art as exam last year so i had resat the art as level exam. So my results wereAS LevelArt - DA-LevelDesign technology - BSociology - A*So I'm leaving school with a B and an A* at a-level and I'm sooo happy...



Katies bday !

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
It was my bestest friend Katie's birthday on monday and she is just amazing to be as out and about as she is after only a week after giving birth to beautiful perfect baby logan. She lookes great and looked beautiful on her birthday as she was so happy to have her friends and family around her celebrating and to have the best...



We love our Godson sooo much!!

Friday, August 13, 2010
Here are some morree photos of lil baby logan having cuddles with his godparents me and craig from yesterday :) x he looked so cute in his little tracksuit love him!My posts are probs going to be baby related for a while now as i just cant help but snap a photo of him at every oppotunity as he is just so beautiful!Sophie-lou...



Katie & Logan Go home sweet home....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
This pic of logan isnt one off my camera its from the hospital photographer. Love it x Shes such a good mummy! All tucked in to his car seat awwwww! This is just the cutest such a lovely lil face! Today Katie was told she could go home from hospital after giving birth to her beautiful boy Logan :) x he is sooooo...



Logan Jon-Paul x

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
awww i love him , he is just so beautiful and katie is just going to be the greatest mummy!x love you both Katie and Logan Loads! xSophie-lou & Craig x ...



He's Born! Yayyy!!!!

Monday, August 09, 2010
Today at 12.00pm my lovely best friend katie had her beautiful baby boy Logan jon-paul 7.7lbs and he is just sooo perfect i love him! we all do lol sooo much x Me and Craig are now the proud god parents of logan and we also congratulate Katie on the birth of her son, lesley on the birth of her first grandson and...

