I went on a little makeup updating shopping spree bout 2 weeks ago and got myself a new foundation, mascara, bronzer, Maybelline Mineral foundation, exfoliating scrub and with my mascara i got a free No7 eye pallet. I was really pleased with this free pallet as its really good quality and came with a double ended eye brush (one end for blending). The...
Craig and I purchased a JML halogen oven from ASDA the other week for £58. We were so chuffed with it because we haven't had oven food since we moved house and had been living on microwave meals, which for a week or two were yummy but after 4 months were just blahhh!!! ...before we could try it out our house cat Jodie...
For my birthday i was v.lucky and my amazing Bf whisked me away for a long weekend in PARIS! It was Fantastic. And YES! we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower which was awesome. As well as seeing ALL the sites in Paris , We also took half a day walking down the Champs Elysee, which is the biggest shopping street...
At the beginning of summer i bought two bright nail polishes from Rimmel London range. They were from the I <3 Lasting Finish range. I think i payed £2.88 each for these at Boots.The colours where bright orange and yellow. Actual name on polish (left to right)050 Tangerine Queen and 055 Sunshine. The Consistency of the polish is beautiful it goes on the...
hiya,I went to Asda a few days ago and to my suprise ASDA George have launched a cosmetic range. I was so excited to see this as they had most general cosmetics for face, eyes, lips and nails, And this is when i became v.happy...they had some lovely colour nail polishes and they were only priced at £1 a polish :O. So me...
Hey !!! This is my first post !! woooo :) This is me , Sophie Lou J! As this is my 1st post its nothing special but ill be posting some reviews on nail varnish later 2day. I used to be a bad nail biter until about a year ago and now I'm obsessed with growing,filing and painting my nails :) Hope you...